ARTD 218, Assignment portfolio

Jesse Feng

Assignment 1

Simple Hello World page

Assignment 2

Page with the recipe to my Fried Rice with Kimchi

Assignment 3

Underwater experience page

Assignment 4 ( Guardian )

Recreating the Guardian newspaper page

Assignment 5 ( Grids )

Creating at least 3 different grids with at least 6 divisions, one from the yellow, pink and green category

Assignment 6 ( CSS Hover Grid )

Create a rectangular grid of cells (divs) overlayed on a background image. The grid should hide the whole or part of the background image. Each cell should respond to mouse-hover interactions in such a way that it becomes invisible for a moment, revealing the fraction of the image it conceals.

Project 1 | Emotions

Create a website that connects poetry and facial expressions with the purpose of reinforcing the expression of the pieces of literature.

Typeface catalogue

This assignment seeks to apply the knowledge acquired in previous or concurrent typography courses in the design of a typeface catalog. You can draw inspiration from Wilde's Periodic table of typefaces to create a layout that showcases at least six very different typefaces. Your design should be a responsive HTML & CSS prototype that works well on mobile and desktop browsers.


Create a website with the silhouette of one three-color flag and enable a user interface to select the name of more than two countries. In response, the flag areas are filled with the corresponding colors of the user’s choice.

Project 2 - Design for Climate Change

Create a responsive website that illustrates at least 10 examples of design projects that address climate change issues. The website must include responsive screens for phone (portrait), iPad (portrait), and Computer screens (landscape)